When you're role-playing there are a few requirements that you are expected to meet.
Every role-play post should be at least 50 words long, if you have particular difficulty doing this then please let me (Lupa) know.
Before a thread can be closed there must be at least 10 posts (including the first one, so 9 replies). Again, if for some reason you cannot fulfill this requirement the please let me know.
You should always specify in the topic title the status of your thread. Open, Private and Closed are the three options.
Open means that the thread is open to everybody, anyone can join in the thread. The key for this is: [O]
Private means that only invited members may join, if someone that has not been invited (by the topic creator) joins in then please notify me. The key for this is: [P]
Closed means the topic is now finished. If a thread has Closed on it do not post there, it means it is ready to be archived and will soon be moved to the Archives forum. The title should be updated to this after the plot that has been organised is finished or the thread is complete and all the characters have left. The key for this is: [C]
When you summon a character (for example howling to gain another character's attention to come into the thread or to simply get those characters into the thread) or more characters, the right code to use is: [S]
Summoning is not all too important, but if you really want another wolf in the thread for a pack meeting or accepting a new character or whatever, the summon code is very handy. And when you summon another character or characters, make sure to put those character's names in the topic title so they know they hve to come. This code is used alongside [O] or [P], not alone.